melanie yoga cochrane ab

About Melanie

Why Free Spirit Yoga?

I am a fully-certified Hatha Yoga teacher, trained in 2013. I began teaching in 2014 and in 2022 I also received certification to teach chair yoga.
My very first teaching experience was teaching in a very small rural school for a full day as part of a health and fitness week. I taught all grades from 1 – 12 and taught 5 of my granddaughters – a truly awesome experience and all the encouragement I needed to pursue other opportunities.
I specialize in teaching yoga
for people who are 55+ or for those who may have mobility issues or just want a more gentle yoga practice. This doesn’t mean we don’t work in our classes to ensure we keep our joints healthy and our core and legs strong. As I remind my students – MOTION IS LIKE LOTION FOR OUR JOINTS.
During each practice we include the three main components of yoga: breathing (pranayama), poses (asanas) and meditation, all of which have been proven to improve our health and wellness and slow our aging process. 
I chose to teach older folks because I am very aware of the health challenges many of us may experience as we get older. I was 63 when I travelled to Brazil for my yoga teacher training and I was the oldest in my class of 15 with the vast majority of my fellow students being in their 20’s and 30’s. 
During that month of teacher training I realized most younger people simply don’t understand the physical challenges we may encounter as we age. Things like our balance, strength, flexibility and agility that start to naturally decrease as we get older. As a result of my training experience, I recognized that my focus for teaching had to be for people my age to ensure my students and I remain healthy, active and independent by working on those 4 physical skills during each class.

Where are the lessons held?

My home based yoga studio is located in Cochrane, AB but all classes are on Zoom allowing yoga students to join us from anywhere. We have students from Montreal,  Toronto, Victoria, Edmonton and California.  We’ve even had students join us from Mexico and South Africa. When the weather allows, I prefer to move outside to a sunny location and I have taught on beaches in Vancouver and Kelowna, parks in Calgary and on my daughters’ sundecks in northeastern Alberta.  

All you need is an internet connection, a computer, iPad/tablet or you can connect on your phone. As long as you have Zoom you can join the class.

For class participants who may have to miss a class, all classes are recorded and a link will be sent after the class to allow you to practice at your convenience.  ,

Do you Have Questions?

Will anyone see me online during the practice?  When you receive your Zoom invitation I have set it up so your video and your audio will not be turned on. The only person you will see on the screen will be me. At the end of the class I invite everyone to turn on their video and audio (optional) if you would like to come on to say hello to the other students and to do our final closing for the class.  The recording is turned off for this last part of the practice.

What should I wear and what equipment do I need for the class? Since you are at home you can choose to wear anything, including your pajamas. The only thing to consider is to ensure whatever you wear is comfortable and moves with your body so you can stretch and move easily. I recommend you have a yoga bolster or meditation cushion but if you don’t have one you can roll up a blanket or fold a large pillow in half. You should have a yoga strap and again if you don’t have one you can use the belt from a housecoat, a tie or a long scarf. You may also want a couple of yoga blocks but you can use a thick book instead. 

What are some of the health benefits of yoga? There have been over 3700 scientific and medical studies to determine the health benefits of yoga and to date they have found over 115 health benefits including reducing stress, increasing flexibility, increasing muscle strength and tone, improving cardio and circulatory health, improving balance, boosting the immune system, improving posture and many more. My newest mantra for yoga is “Yoga does not have side effects, it has side benefits”.

Do you have to be flexible to practice yoga? The reason I started practicing yoga about 2006 was because I was so inflexible I couldn’t get my leg over my bike. I am now more flexible than I have ever been. I am also stronger than I have been since I was in my 40’s. 

Am I too old to start practicing yoga? I turned 75 this year. I attended my yoga teaching training in Brazil when I was 63 with 15 other students and all of them were 30 to 40 years younger than me with one exception, someone who was only 15 years younger. So as you can imagine it was challenging but it was also one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. That training experience did bring home the fact that younger people simply don’t understand the aging process and the fact that balance, strength and flexibility become issues as we age and that’s why our practices always include poses to improve our balance and flexibility and increase our strength. The longer we remain healthy and strong the longer we can live independently. Yes we want to increase our longevity but we want to ensure we remain healthy during those last years of our life. 

What can I expect if I join one of the yoga classes? You will receive the Zoom invitation (you will have to download the Zoom app) for the class the evening before. As I mentioned it is set up so your video and audio are off so just a few minutes before the class all you have to do is log in. Each class starts with warm-ups including poses for our eyes, face, neck wrists, shoulders, toes, ankles, knees, lower spine, hips. If you join hatha or the 30 minute flow yoga classes we do some standing poses but if you join the chair or floor stretching classes we do not include standing poses. In all classes we do some strengthening poses and poses to increase flexibility. The last few minutes of each class we do some relaxing poses, including legs up the wall, and then a meditation to close the class. Every week we set a new intention and focus on a health issue. You will also receive a recording of the class to repeat if you want to or if you had to miss or leave early you can do the whole class.