I love my yoga class with Melanie. When I started I had tight hips and my body felt sluggish. Now, the pain in my hips is gone and I feel vibrant and alive in my body. The movements are simple yet effective and I’ve noticed a big change over time. I highly recommend Melanie’s class if you are looking for yoga that flows and at the same time reinvigorates your body, mind and soul. Each class is a gift.

Calgary, AB, Canada
I have been participating in Melanie’s yoga classes in person & on zoom since 2016. She is one of the best gifts I have given to myself. Her classes have kept me flexible, strong & challenged to my ability. She’s always making sure we don’t overdo our poses. Her meditations are very enlightening & calming, which we all need in our lives. She’s always finding new & interesting ways to age well. All my doctors & health care providers are amazed at how fit & flexible I am, as I have Psoriatic arthritis, which has been in remission now for 7 years. Highly recommend trying Melanie’s class no matter how young you are. Very grateful she came into my life. Namaste

Calgary, AB, Canada
Thank you for a wonderful class. I’ve found that yoga has improved my balance, strength, flexibility, posture and energy. Your classes have also increased my sense of calm and peace, my resilience, optimism, and overall well-being. I could go on, Melanie. I haven’t felt as well in years.

Susan A.
Calgary, AB, Canada
The pandemic had just closed us all in, I felt crippled by the kind of sciatic pain that results from repetitive, badly executed physical labour, and had to be beat about the head by a much love friend (figuratively, because from a distance) to join Melanie’s yoga class. I put it off until I couldn’t and finally rolled out my mat in my living room, set up my laptop and began. She was (and is) relaxed, warm, funny and generous. The class began (and continues to begin) with a half hour of gentle warmup and leads you inexorably to the physical movements and positions you thought you’d long left behind. It was (and is) an astonishing relief. I’d be maudlin to say that I cried and that it took four months for my sciatic pain to disappear…. so I won’t. I’ll just say I haven’t looked back.

Montreal, Quebec, Canada
I was introduced to Melanie by a mutual friend when I was nearing 70 and had never done yoga. All I can say is that this experience has been life altering. I am now over 76 and still continue to use as many props as my body needs on any given day. I am amazed at what my body can do on some days and what it cannot do on others. Each day is different, but I am much stronger with yoga and understand my abilities and limitations better. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced yoga practitioner, try yoga with Melanie. Your body will thank you, and you may gain a wonderful friend as I have in Melanie. Namaste!

Calgary, AB, Canada
I have been enjoying Melanie’s yoga classes almost as long as she’s been teaching them. She teaches with a passion for her craft and her poses are geared towards the 55+ generation and are very easy to follow. From the floor stretches to the standing poses, while easy to perform, are still giving you a workout. She finishes her class with Legs Up The Wall, followed by Meditation, which is a wonderful way to wrap up the class. I highly recommend Melanie’s yoga class. You will thoroughly enjoy it.

Calgary, AB, Canada
I just want to take a minute to let you know how absolutely wonderful your yoga classes make me feel! Is it the breathing? The twists? The instructions? The humour? (this is good for us, ok!) The planks? The challenges? The meditations? Is it the honest love for our overall well-being? Or is it the whole experience that makes practicing yoga with you mentally, emotionally and physically good for me in that moment and throughout my days? You have created what I feel is at the heart of a yoga practice, a safe and inviting space where learning, compassion, gratitude and joy are felt from the beginning to the end of every class. Thank you for helping me understand that every day is different but we need to find a balance of body and mind to appreciate and experience it with love and grace!

Strathmore, AB, Canada
I have attended Free Spirit Yoga classes presented by Melanie Anderson, for about five years. I’m keenly aware of and enjoying many benefits from consistently taking part in the classes. I have made gains in flexibility, strength, balance, and endurance through the poses presented in these classes. Melanie’s caring but frank approach to guiding her students to improving our health as we age, is very well received. It becomes most evident to me when I encounter aches and pains caused by significant activity. I know a class is a day away and those kinks will be eased and I will be feeling great once again. I thoroughly enjoy the way I feel from working hard in Free Spirit Yoga classes. Since the pandemic, I so happy to do so from the comfort of my home, with Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, on-line classes. Attending classes at studios never caused me any discomfort but it does for many. This practice of improving our health in the privacy of no-shared audio or video classes has been very well received by Melanie’s students. No driving, changing, dealing with weather, or lugging yoga mats are all positive! I credit the Free Spirit Yoga program with enhancing my mid-70’s life! I am enjoying ‘active involvement’ with my grandkids, golf, skiing, biking, gym workouts, great sleeps, a healthy appetite, ease of mobility, good balance, and a positive outlook on life in general, all aspects that feeling great offers! Try Free Spirit Yoga for a week and you will recognize the areas of your body that you’ve been ignoring! Try it for a month and you will feel the positive results!!

Calgary, AB, Canada
I have been practising yoga for many years and when the pandemic struck, I was so fortunate to be able to join Melanie’s class, from Toronto.
I believe in a yoga practice that can be done for a lifetime. Melanie’s approach is focussed on healthy ageing. It is one of the few practices I have seen that consistently includes the extremities (head, neck, eyes, face, hands and feet).
I look forward every week to seeing Melanie’s smiling face and enjoying her generous spirit.

Carol H.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada